Saturday, June 23, 2012

Starting the journey home

After discovering that many of our ceramic pieces did not survive the firing process (including the art teachers!), and an emotional good bye to our families we boarded the bus and hit the road for Pisaq. As we drove through the town, the valley colonial territory was pointed out but our destination was much higher. Up, up, up we went again to 13,000ft, making it a challenge to catch our breath but it also could have been the cascading terraces and ruins. Pisaq is older and much bigger then Machu Picchu but instead of being tucked in among mountains, Pisaq has an incredible sprawling valley landscape all around it. We hiked through the ruins going up and down some pretty precarious trails but it was worth every step! After we lunched at the Blue Llama and then moved on the the sacred ruins of Saqsayhuaman. There we discovered among the outside temple a natural play ground of rock slides and mountain tunnels. As the sun started to set we moved on to our hotel and had dinner on the Cusco square. Because of the solstice celebration there were swarms of Peruvians from all over dancing and parading on the square. It made for quite an impression on our last night!
This morning as I pack my bag for the last time, I realize that I am excited to get home and look forward to not having to wear my mittens and ski hat to bed at night, but I also will miss this wonderfully warm culture and hope that we will all bring home many treasured memories.

Until tomorrow!
Miss T


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