Tuesday, June 19, 2012

From. Jim O'Halloran: I wanted to add a few comments to our trip blog. I can't improve on the photos and excellent entries by our students and Tanda and  Andy, but I will just say that this trip has been an unforgettable experience. It is like a continuous game of 'Can You Top This?' which Peru always wins. Two more thoughts come to mind.. First to our Dads at home: since I wasn't able to spend Father's Day with my own kids, I was proud to spend it with yours. Their spirit is infectious. We saw this on our recent trek and campout in the  Andes. Even those with bum knees or bubbly stomachs pushed on through a challenging climb, carried their own day packs, and  joined in a pretty raucous dinner conversation. They are fine traveling companions. Second, even though we are still here, I find that I am already compiling a mental list of things I will never forget about Peru. At the top of this list is the community of Ollantaytambo - if I could find a way to get my family over here, I would consider staying. In addition to its overwhelming physical beauty, the people are very special. On the morning that we left for our big trek, our home stay mother made us a special breakfast (pineapple upside down cake, of all things) and presented Andy and me with Father's Day gifts (alpaca scarves). There is a coffee shop in town that Andy and I visit occasionally (i.e., every day), where we are greeted like old friends. Our country coordinator, Adela, is worth her weight in Incan gold; at any hour, she will appear at our elbows with information about the countless details she arranges for us and, more importantly, treats us with the warmth of a childhood friend. Her husband, Adolfo, has been our very informative guide at historical sites and also led us unerringly along nearly invisible trails thousands of feet high in the mountains. Our foreman Salvador became our caballero Salvador. Even the people of Ollanta who are not formally connected to the World Leadership School web have had an impact on us. As we travel through their community, almost every person we pass greets us with a friendly buenas tardes, and the faces of the incredibly cute children brighten when you call out "Ola - que. tal?" I could go on,  but I'm sure you have already gotten the idea from our blog. We miss you, and we will see you soon. P.S. Sorry, no pix - I'm a terrible photographer, and you have been spoiled !


NJPittMom said...

Thank you all for your wonderful posts. The kids are quite eloquent. I'm really enjoying the pictures and the smiling faces.
Kyle Becker

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking great care with our children Jim, Tanda and Andy. We are all so very lucky. Hope there aren't too many bubbly tummies and bum knees, but it's good to know they will be well taken care of in any event!

World Leadership School said...

Thank you for the wonderful narrative. Yes, we did get spoilt with the pictures - thank god for them:). Glad to know that the trip has been inspiring. Looking forward to seeing all of you safe and sound back home.

Nan Menon

World Leadership School said...

BEAUTIFUL PIECE, Mr. O'.I was riveted!Belated happy father's day to you and Mr. Webster.It's comforting to know that our kids are being so well taken care of.

Herb Smyczek

World Leadership School said...

Just figure out how to post comment, this is my first blog.
This is just to thank you, Mr. Webster, and Mrs. T for taking care of our children.
it's not so much what we do for people that impacts them as what we do with them.
This impact will last a lifetime. THANK YOU.

World Leadership School said...

Just figure out how to post comment, this is my first blog.
This is just to thank you, Mr. Webster, and Mrs. T for taking care of our children.
it's not so much what we do for people that impacts them as what we do with them.
This impact will last a lifetime. THANK YOU.

By Bola Ibraheem

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